We are in relationship with everything, what we can see, including what we cannot see. For now we will take up who we can see and what people and other life forms we know and have known. 

In our day to day living with self and others the optimum is harmony, balance and divine Love in our interactions, companionships and language with others. Of course, sometimes relationships are lacking in joy, respect, and equilibrium. They — our relationship with self or others  — too many times are unequal, non-empowering and self-centered. Perhaps for good reason; Or because we are off or disheveled that day or time in our life.   

If we have experienced loss, are not feeling well or currently experiencing upset for whatever reason in our life, we may not have much to give to relationships. It is something to keep in our hearts in living with one another–there are people under great hardship and in the middle of  challenges we would not want to go through. Having empathy and consideration for others contribute to the climate of equipoise and good-will in our lives. These two qualities are expressed verbally and also through our unspoken language and actions. 

All who are reading this Truth Message know of successful relationship practices, methods and ideas. Our energy most likely needs to go toward practicing the proven ways we already know in order to have happiness, equanimity and Unconditional Love in our relationships with things and people, including ourselves.   

My prayer is by offering what has worked and is currently creating whole and harmonious relationships will either confirm what you are already doing or cause you to recall or add ideas and practices of experiencing well-balanced and pleasant relationships.

By the way, we do know agreement is not necessarily the aim in getting along with others. What promotes goodness in relationships is honoring the way others look at, think or feel about what they are communicating. To agree with the inner right of others to be who they are or say what they say in their conversations, makes for inner peace and outer acceptance. 

Surely, realizing our inner triggers with what others may say is helpful. Identifying what is our individual and inner reaction if someone’s behavior or communications cause unrest in us. We need to be honest and have awareness with how we are reacting and responding to others.

Additionally, The  above quote at the top of the page tells us relationships are our ‘primary teacher.’  When we allow relationships to be our preceptor, we open to self-knowledge, inner healing (which sometimes is profound) and universal harmony with ourselves and others.

Indeed, promote and practice a welcoming and non invasive way of communicating with others. We want to be agreeable within ourselves first of all when in relationship with others. If out of sync within ourselves and we know it, we can begin to heal.

Also, we can realize our reactions to what others say or believe may be tainted by our sensitivities, beliefs, or growing edge. For there is a tendency in the universal scheme of things to draw to ourselves exactly what we need to see in ourselves or what we need to master. Furthermore, valuable reckonings occur with frequency in the center of relationship with oneself, others and the expansive universe.

What’s more, we are helped by tuning into the truest love within us, the love of our inner Spirit, and allow the heart-felt infinite Love to heal what needs to be healed in us, to soothe what needs to be soothed internally and externally and to promote in ourselves universal love and acceptance in our thoughts, feelings, creations and communications with all living beings and things.

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