What if we could cry as easily as a child when hurt or witnessing hurt; and laugh without hesitation when something is funny.

This weekend, we can practice being spontaneous and authentic with our feelings. At the very least letting ourselves know what we are feeling by honestly checking in with our own feelings. Every moment our feelings, thoughts and needs are floating around in our heads and hearts.

Therefore, lets do ourselves a favor and become transparent to ourselves. When we are attuned to our emotional selves and know our feelings; when we are conscious of our thoughts and needs, we are more whole and better able to revise them, support ourselves or ask others for support.  

Likewise, we can be sensitive to others. We can notice more and offer understanding if we sense something good, sad or puzzling about our loved ones, friends, people we work or hang around with. Even a stranger is blessed by our empathetic attunement to them.

Also, kindness with ourselves and others goes a long way in creating happiness and contentment within ourselves, our relationships and life experiences. 

In affirmation: I listen within and hear my feelings, my wants and desires. I open to keen awareness of people around me and take notice to how they are and how I can help their life be brighter and easier. I can always smile warmly at people. I can even smile more readily at myself offering self-acceptance. Certainly, I practice accepting myself and all others just the way we each are at any given moment in time. Amen. 

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