“What good is it to me if Mary gave birth to the Son of God 1400 years ago and I do not give birth to the Son of God in my own person and time and culture?…We are all meant to be mothers of God.” —Meister Eckhart

Christmas includes the celebration and recognition of the birth of Jesus. However, there is more. Jesus had great expectations for humanity and each of us individually. His ministry was dedicated in revealing to humanity our inherited divinity.

Eckhart through his quote is asking us to live up to our spiritual greatness and give birth to our indwelling Christ nature. We are to become alive from inside with divine grace, love, kindness, and service to others, lifting them up in acknowledgement of their indwelling spiritual energy and potential.

We are “to be mothers of God’ and bring the Christ richness into the world in our lifetime and in our everyday living. There is no distinction between men and women here. Meister is talking of a spiritual birth which men are capable of accomplishing in their present moment and lifetime.

Give birth to the enlightened grace, understanding love and shining Christ light of your individual being-ness, and give birth to a life flow of healing potential—these are our spiritual orders from Jesus’ teachings.

This evening or right now as you read this—fill with conscious awareness of your innate holy light by visualizing or seeing a Christ light already lit within you as your divine image and likeness of wholeness and divinity. The light fills your being and shines from you. You are a radiating, magnanimous individual, shining of your vibrant presence now and in this lifetime; and you are worthy and held dear to the Creative Omnipresence. Merry Christmas!

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