Henry Winkler wrote: “Assumptions are the termites of relationships.” Everyone of us from time to time has assumed something to be true about another we are in relationship with. It can burn and sting when we assume something is true. June is a month of relationships, new ones forming, old ones saying goodbye to and couples joining in holy matrimony. I have compiled “Ten Mighty Relationship Qualities” I use in wedding ceremonies when I talk confidently with the couple. They apply to the varied types of relationships we form. Here they are:

Do not stop committing to love and loving each other. Listen, really listen to each other’s pain, requests, dreams and joys. Improve yourself from inside out. Never stop remembering why you fell in love in the first place with each other. Encourage your partner or friend when they are doing good things and pursuing progressive goals. Laugh often with one another and at oneself.

What’s more, relationships are about communication — keep improving your communication skills with each other and in groups. If your behavior upsets the relationship or the marriage and disrupts the family — get help for yourself without delay. In marriage relationships kiss and be warm to each other regularly; and tell your partner you love them often. Marriage partners, remember you are both joined in holy matrimony. Therefore, for healing and strength in the marriage ask for Holy Spirit renewal–this works with relatives and close friends also.

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