Truth Message:  “Only connect! that was the whole of her sermon. Only connect the prose and the passion, and both will be exalted, and human love will be seen at its height. Live in fragments no longer. Only connect…” E. M. Foster 

Associations Enrich, Part I–have you noticed in any storm, personal within yourself or to your life, or literal to do with the weather, things change, you changed because of the experience of the storm. Of course, we want to change for the better. Thus, how can we be enriched because of the storms in our lives?

I assert, we can guarantee enrichment by keeping our heart open to ourselves and to others. In the latest weather related storm and unusually wet weather in the Houston area, including our community, I felt closer with people to an expanded degree. Storms in life bring human beings together. We are reminded internally of an important trait–homo sapiens need each other for our physical survival and for our emotional health and well-being. The Dalai Lama and other Buddhists tell us we are hard-wired for compassion and love. We need one another.

Further, the Dalai Lama said: “From my own limited experience I have found that the greatest degree of inner tranquility comes from the development of love and compassion.”

Storms connect a human being with another and others. When we are in grief–yes, we want to be alone. Yet, very much we seek and need the comfort of others. We need their empathy, touch, hugs, laughter, help, words of empathy. We need their presence of support and love.

The heart grows, it expands in Christ love, which is pure untainted love. Responsively, our heart widens when we practice the art of caring about another and others’ welfare. We feel and heal better when we reach in and reach out with a full heart and give some form of goodness to another.

For instance, some people bake. They make incredible goodies. And the double joy for them is in the preparation and then the giving. We each have our specialness and continue to grow in new ways to shine compassion and show love to others, to the natural world, and to ourselves. It is one of the highest ways we acknowledge our God nature within and our close connection with fellow beings–by loving and giving.

Some folks genuinely compliment or perhaps smile warmly at one another. Some are doers; others sit with individuals in need, letting consciousness light from within and uplift. Similarly, some of us are crafty and make things for others in mind. We each are rich and alive with creative ways and unique styles of giving. Embrace and be thankful for yours!

Declaration of Truth–The Holy Spirit in me is alert and embraces occasions to connect with life in a revitalized and deeply aware state of being. I experience a renewed closeness with the universal Presence, with people, with plants, flowers, trees and including the inhabitants of the aquatic world–while allowing room for the mystical experiences.

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