In the quiet of the night, in the ugliest defeat, in the highest achievement and the low points in life, I love myself as the Father loved the Prodigal.

To grow in saintly love, to go beyond my self-imposed boundaries, I open to the Christ light of love within me.

I turn from thoughts and focus on something spiritual, a lifting scene, a candlelight, a blooming flower, the feeling of love.  Then, I simply steady myself in the light and love divinely within my being.

I ask to feel God’s love more deeply and purely. I sense the Presence within and everywhere. I breathe in stillness and take on peace-filling life, light, and the purest of love.

I steady my thoughts on the love that surrounds, up-builds, renews, and remakes. I do not question how or place limits on Christ love. I sit with it and realize I am living in perfect divine love.

In the quiet of prayer I let unconditional high regard be the light of life within me………………

In the quiet of prayer I am reunited with the realization of  wholeness and full self acceptance………………

In the quiet of prayer I feel eternally one with the love of God………………

And so I let it be for it is who I am, Amen

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