I assert I am a Divine Outlet for all that the God Nature is in me. Today is elevated and crowned with Divine Order unfolding in and through me, infusing everything I touch and put my mind and heart to. The God nature within me as Zeal magnificently colors all things bright and lovingly.

Divine Order in me is wise as a saint and steady as a master painter. Divine order aligns my body with wholeness, wholesome energy, and smooth and satisfying activities. I flow with the grace of spiritual packed words, gestures, ideas and thoughts.

I still to the God powers innate within me of Superb Zeal and Loving Order………………………

I am realizing anew my inner Gifts now in the Silence of prayer……………………………

I thrill with Divine Essence and illumination–

Divine order is the movement of Divinity in and through all that I am and do.

Divine Zeal is the bold light, gracing an glowing through my body, thoughts and moments of stillness, as I live, do and be.

Grateful, so happy to know the wholesome presence of Zeal and Order rolling through me

as a benediction of love exquisitely embracing all people and things.

In the nature of gratitude and life, Amen

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