
“God is With Me — Now and Always!”

“The greatest strength is not limited to the physical realm. Neither is the most stalwart courage built up by the reasoning mind. The mighty strength of a spiritual being and the resolute courage of an overcomer reside within me, within all people.

“Even though I may feel as if I am in a vulnerable position or condition, I have the strength and courage of God’s spirit within me. The pervading presence of God is my sanctuary of peace and order wherever I am, wherever I go.

“I affirm: God is with me as I prepare to lie down in my own bed at home or in a bed during an overnight stop in my travels away from home. Yes, God is with me as I walk, drive, or ride to each destination, whether I am in familiar or unfamiliar territory.”

“Be Strong and of good courage, and act. Do not be afraid or dismayed; for the Lord God, my God, is with you.” 1 Chronicles 28:20

Unity Daily Word, November 22, 2000

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