In Meditation

Pause and Feel Free, Breath and Go Deeper into the Truth of Who You Are–here and now, no reason to delay.

Who I am is a liberated child waking up to all I am in the light of absolute and divine truth. I am wakeful and enjoying the insight and the enlightened capability expanding in and around me. Thank you beloved and all-loving and accepting father and mother principle of light and truth that lives and is active within every part and whole of me.

Self care and appreciation is becoming easier and is easy for me to do and practice daily.

I Breathe deeply when challenges and human problems and perplexities arise. I allow for relaxation and ease in thinking, feeling, and being.

I imagine the good, the best things unfolding. I let my heart feel and express the full capacity of Christ kindness, playfulness, fancy free feeling, seeing things, people, pets, water and plants as whole and expressing the sheer beauty that is within them. I love as the Buddha, realizing the truth of humanity as he demonstrated and taught.

I feel inner mentorship from each word, feeling and realization of divine truth. I feel the blessings from each and every enlightened being I have met and spent time with. The consciousness of Truth and Light is here with and within each one of us.

The gratitude in knowing this is expansive. I move forward in good-will, giving to the world and receiving the treasures and gifts of another and others. For each person is rich in Spirit, consciousness, and value.

I pause in an environment of perfect and unconditional love. I rest fully in the silence of a quiet pause…………

Stretching, gently breathing fully I greet the next moment awake and joyful………

I use the divine power in my heart and mind in the highest way I know and I am increasing in capacity and knowledge moment by moment. I feel gratitude to the creative force, intelligence and love that lives in me and flourishes everywhere, Amen

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