Don’t Wait until the World is Pristine or you Become Perfect — Move Forward One with the Strength You have Become Because of it All. 

If we are waiting for the ripe moment to make a leap into writing that poem, changing a disenchanting habit, pursuing employment, embarking on an education program, attending a workshop or seminar, or another esteemed goal — don’t wait, move forward toward the accomplishment of what has been nagging or directing you to do.

Sometimes, the idea of perfection stands in the way and blocks us from stepping forth. We can probably all appreciate this reason to hesitate. However, perfection is a false notion. It is a matter of opinion, a held belief, or comparison with someone else’s standards. 

Certainly, begin — delaying no more — on your worthy ideas, goals, dreams and promises you have made to yourself and or another (others). Stop and consider for some minutes, even write them down, your talents, experience and strengths you have developed because of your vast experiences thus far in life. You have well-earned fortitude, expertise, and successful achievements, enough to start and fulfill the current or long held desires and yearnings of your heart. So, know you are prepared, you have enough, you will be supported in moving decisively forward with your chosen endeavors. 

Further, we hold off thinking circumstances in the world have to be right or our household has to be in order ahead of us stepping forth. With sincerity, waiting for the world to get its act together or our household to be in sparkling order are unfair and non-supportive ideas, obstructing our vision to begin and do what is prodding us to accomplish.      

Please know you are overflowing, teaming with just what it takes to set out and fulfill the calls from within yourself. You would not have them in your mind or on your heart if the way, means, and qualifications were not present already in you, for you and around you! If a prerequisite activity or achievement is necessary–do it. 

A Success Decree: I refresh my mind and release the notions, blocks, negative messages, or reasons not to do the things I know I am to act on. I align with, pray and affirm the Spirit within and everywhere around me, the Universal Infinite Presence and Power are for me and prepare the ways and avenues of support. 

I remain faith-filled and act on where I am called. However so small, medium or big, I begin. Once I do the full energy of the potent Universe is engaged within me and already making the way of successful achievement through me.  I act with wisdom, continue to be receptive to inner guidance, and replenished energy and creativity and have fun participating in the center of my unfolding dream(s).

Thank you Infinite and Loving Presence, Amen.  Affirmation–The mighty work that has begun in me, God sees me through to successful completion.

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