Race mind or collective consciousness seems to contain plentiful amounts of ideas of shortage, limited thoughts and beliefs. Even though, the mind within us is also capable of conceiving storage bins and shelves filled to overflowing with unlimited good.

Now, how about the family down the street whose wife was laid off from work last week. or the family who lost their home and job in one week due to rains and flooding. Another instance, we may hear from a worried restaurant owner–“There is a shortage of eggs–restaurants and grocery stores are starting to limit egg sales.”

In our lifetime, each of us most likely has experienced shortages; for instance, gasoline, oil, coffee, beef, ice cream, from time to time certain vegetables and fruits. There can be so-called shortages of nurses, or shortages in particular professions such as priests, clergy, or doctors. We human beings can experience many periods of the idea of shortages in our lifetime.

If ever there was a time to depend on God and be centered in spiritual and abundant consciousness the time is now. Why? Because there is talk of shortage, lack, fear of global cooling or warming. On the other hand, there are experiences of such things. That is not to be denied. In prosperity thinking and maintaining a prosperous attitude and consciousness the power is not given to the idea of shortage. It is placed on divine Power and resourceful and heightened thinking and believing.

Shortly after 911 a son asked his mom and dad–“I was just wondering if you are going to limit your driving with the high gasoline prices, with the concern of spending money?” The parents looked at each other then took turns in answering the question directly, “No we are not.” “As a matter of fact we are currently planning a vacation to Mexico.” “We are not limiting our driving. We will continue to circulate money which is energy, God in action. We are one with the law of circulation, not shortage.”

The son felt satisfied and relieved at their answer. By our words, our beliefs, and our actions we give life to our convictions and reveal the ideas held in mind.

This is not to say there are people in our own towns, in our country and in the world who will go to bed without needed food, necessary clothes or comfortable bedding. There is hardship. Yet, the solution is not in affixing our attention on the problem. Yes, we can feel the misery and hardship.

The divine solution rests in elevated consciousness also called God or Christ Consciousness. Or at least seeking higher knowing and lifting our eyes from the challenges into the atmosphere of divine mind where our minds open to the finer wisdom and power. We think more clearly, we receive from spirit not from human thinking. We are blessed with divine ideas instead of being inundated with limitation.

It is good to acknowledge challenges that exist in the world and in our very communities. However, we need our hearts seated in compassion and our minds and hearts also centered in divinity where we receive direction, guidance, and true power.

The folks that received impulses and took off for New Orleans during hurricane Katrina were centered in their power and belief that they could help and make a difference. They acted from compassion and were connected to divine power. Consequently, some heroic things unfolded. And seeming unbelievable rescues took place.

What is calling you right now? We can choose to believe in oneness with the Divine Source. And, in practicing and in living centered in spiritual consciousness. Here we are a blessing and can see the unlimited nature in ourselves, our neighbor, and someone on the other side of the planet.

Where there is hardship or lack of any kind, we can individually know the activity of God’s grace and divine love mightily at work as the power, the life, the needed food, water, stability in the weather, and or the proper shelter and protection needed. This takes place through human beings who do not entertain the problem or become affixed on the limitation; but are a vessel for divine supply and the needed good, the healing and restoration.

Let us Pray–I open and deeply give over any sense of a challenge or limitation. I clear my mind and heart for God to be felt, sensed and heard in me. I let divine energy and power lift. I give into the stillness and wisdom in prayer’s receptivity in this present moment…………………

I remain anchored in Spirit and follow the highest light, the divine thoughts and ideas. I am peace infilled, loved and provided for consistently and abundantly. From the Source within I give and circulate help, assistance, uplifting words and beliefs, money, and material good. I am a channel of good, honoring each person I meet as though they are God’s beloved expression, unlimited in every way, which in truth and here in this earthly plane is so! Amen

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