When we contemplate who we are inside, the invisible nature of us, we are three expressions in one–a Divine three-fold individualization of God.

We are Divine first as highlighted in Genesis 1: 3, 4, “let there be light.” And then Genesis 1:26: We are created “in the image…” “according to our likeness…” of God.

Our human composition and design comes into being in Genesis 2:7: God created humankind from the “dust of the ground;” Further, we were given the “Breath of life.” Then, Genesis 1:31 sums things up and decrees humankind as “very good.”

Indeed, we are very good. Albeit, learning to live consistently from our light-filled spiritual nature in the environment of having human experiences. 

We are a three-fold being:  First we are light or Divine Father-Mother working in unison with our individual holy nature or son-daughter expressions. Secondly, we are individual divine living beings animated and motivated to create, move, and dedicate our life to the expression of the creative gifts, talents, and ambitions in our hearts.

The third quality of Spirit in a human being is also referred to as the Holy Spirit activity moving in and through us, bringing heavenly light, truth and divine expressiveness into being, into manifestation. 

For instance, look at the apostle Peter, one of Jesus’ favored disciples. Peter listened and learned from Jesus of his, Peter’s innate divinity. Jesus told him he had the indwelling capability to even walk on water. Peter grew, wavering between believing in his divinity, then falling into his undisciplined humanity.

Yet Peter over the course of his life, grew in spiritual stature especially after the resurrection of Jesus and then in Acts 1 & 2, “Day of Pentecost.” Peter had spiritual dreams and moments of clear understanding into the heavenly nature of himself and all humankind.

Thus the Holy Spirit came alive within Peter. Now, he went forth and welcomed all of humanity into his Godly heart. He understands the awakened Divine nature within himself, working in balance with the purpose in his heart and spread Jesus teachings, while he loved and included all of humanity as worthy of the message of Truth.  

You are a divine design, given the breath of holy light and life born of God. You have altruistic and inspirational callings in your heart, which you cannot help but put those heart-filled desires and divine callings into the work of your hands and the purposes of your energetic activities as you live your life enlivened by the Holy Spirit in and as you.

Know you are divinely blessed as a three-fold spiritual expression. You are more than just a human being. You have divine callings and purposeful ideas and dreams you put into action, into holy activity through your creative acts and daily living.    

We can celebrate one another as awakened souls living from our divine resolute hearts, blessing the world where we are. For “Wherever I Am, God is.”

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