“The human capacity for burden is like bamboo- far more flexible than you’d ever believe at first glance.”         –Jodi Picoult, My Sister’s Keeper

Resilient Spirit–Numerous times life calls for us to be resilient, especially those occasions when change of any kind is thrust upon us. What we do and how we think, feel, and act count in the normal experiences of our day and especially in times of challenge or shifts in our lives.

How can we best help ourselves when things seem to get tough. I recall when hurricane Ike hit Houston and surrounding areas. We were without power for nearly two weeks. At that time, a Unity mentor gave some sound advice. I will restate them and give additional ideas and thoughts, which will be of benefit in any different or changeful situation.

Respond rather than react. We might have heard this directive phrase before. Let’s look at it in new light. To respond takes conscious attention and alertness. Reactions usually spring from the subconscious and out of habit and a well worn path in our thinking. Rather than reaction, responding takes us to a deeper place in our mind and experiences. Responding rises from spiritual attunement within rather than  a rote reaction to things and people around us.

Responding to life in spiritual terms keeps us on solid ground even though our life may be filled with the demands of ever-changing happenings, technological changes, and environmental conditions. Following a tried and true guidebook of what helps under these conditions may be in sound order.

Guide number one: Stay resilient, pliable, flexible. Two–do what is required of you in any given situation. And ask self–what is spiritually required here?

Three–embrace the Truth, the spiritual truth while honoring the truth of what you are feeling and thinking. In embracing the Truth, know God is inside you, with you and inside of all experiences, people, and things animate and inanimate.

Four–give way for spiritual wisdom to win over negative, tiresome thoughts. Pessimism drains our energy. Rise in the Spirit within ourselves places us above any situation that arises.

In fact, look over your life for a minute or more. You have been given the strength and stamina to do what was called upon in the normal fast-paced life of modern society. In addition in those trying times you have surmounted and had a reserve of energy and power that rose to the task and circumstances at hand. Praise God! We are so grateful that happens. Reminding ourselves of the uncountable times divine Spirit has risen to the occasion in us is heartwarming, energizing and assuring in demanding times and in the normal happenings of life.

The spiritual guidebook for trying times includes another point: Five–it is helpful to know and practice making decisions when fear and anger are not prominent in our heart or head. Set anxious, fearful thoughts aside, quiet them down. Listen to your inner realm of Spirit and Light. If it takes moments to consciously pause and still the fearful thoughts, it’s worth the time. Moreover, we are always given grace. Ask for grace to immediately provide the highest direction and guiding light for you and coming through you now.

Psalm 46 and Psalm 139 contain comfort-imparting Bible words.

In prayer now we know our oneness with Spirit in our midst. Breathing in I am thankful for divine support, strength, wisdom, peace, friendships and help from people and flowing to me from all around. I am stable and secure within and without, provided for in every way. I pay it forward by giving of myself and through the giving of material good in helping others. I am comforted and peace-filled knowing universal Spirit abounds pouring to me and through me from everywhere abounding. So very grateful, Amen

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